The Original Tree Watering Bag
Other products may look like ours, but Treegator® is the ONLY tree watering bag used and trusted worldwide since 1989.
Treegator® products are manufactured by Spectrum Products Inc. USA.

Ideal for watering trees from 1 inch to 8 inches in trunk diameter (caliper) with branches beginning at least 25 inches from the ground or higher.

Perfect for trees or shrubs with single or multiple trunks totaling up to 5 inches in diameter (caliper) with branches beginning at least 6 inches above the ground.
The TREEGATOR® Advantage
TREEGATOR® Slow Release Watering Bags have been the preferred tree watering method of industry professionals worldwide since 1989.
- Made in the USA from high quality materials
- Install and fill in just minutes with no tools
- Can be used on trees, evergreens or shrubs
- Fill just once a week for most new plantings
- Backed by 3 or 5 year limited warranty